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Inverter air conditioners are cooler, true or false?

       You have probably already heard by word of mouth that inverter air conditioners are better in this way or that way and, if nothing else, they are certainly more energy efficient than the older non-inverter air conditioners because they are better at keeping a room ice-cold, which is what most people from an air conditioner, right? Wrong. It is simply not true that inverter air conditioners are more efficient because they keep rooms cooler than non-inverter air conditioners. Confused? Let us explain.
               When you turn an inverter air conditioner on you will not immediately feel the room turn frosty because inverter air conditioners care more about keeping the room constantly at the temperature set by the remote control than it does about making the room as cold as possible as quickly as possible. Once an inverter air conditioner gets to the desired temperature it will automatically throttle back gradually to maintain a constant temperature for your maximum comfort without ever turning itself off. This is what saves energy, unlike the older non-inverter air conditioners. If you own an older non-inverter air conditioner do not be concerned if it is constantly turning itself on and off because that’s the only way it knows how to cool the room. Without an inverter it can only run at 100% on or off, which means that once the temperature has reached, for example, 25 degrees as set by the remote control it must turn itself off (n reality the temperature might even be 23 degrees because the temperature sensor might not be very precis), only to start up again at 100% when the temperature has become too warm.

When you turn an inverter air conditioner on you will not immediately feel the room turn frosty because inverter air conditioners care more about keeping the room constantly at the temperature set by the remote control than it does about making the room as cold as possible as quickly as possible. Once an inverter air conditioner gets to the desired temperature it will automatically throttle back gradually to maintain a constant temperature for your maximum comfort without ever turning itself off. This is what saves energy, unlike the older non-inverter air conditioners. If you own an older non-inverter air conditioner do not be concerned if it is constantly turning itself on and off because that’s the only way it knows how to cool the room. Without an inverter it can only run at 100% on or off, which means that once the temperature has reached, for example, 25 degrees as set by the remote control it must turn itself off (n reality the temperature might even be 23 degrees because the temperature sensor might not be very precis), only to start up again at 100% when the temperature has become too warm.

      If you’ve read this far you are probably asking “well how do I make the inverter air conditioners go ice-cold like the non-inverter air conditioners?”, and the answer is quite simple. All you have to do is set the temperature as low as you want to go by your remote control and the inverter will adjust the compressor’s speed to reach the temperature that you desire and automatically adjust itself to stay at that temperature for as long as you like. You needn’t worry that going to the lowest temperatures is going to sent your electricity bills sky high, because far more energy is wasted by constantly switching the air conditioner on and off. When choosing an inverter for your home you should choose one that is not only suited to the usage but is also energy efficient. Inverter air conditioners would be the natural choice, especially for average sized rooms that are not too big and not too small. When you buy an air conditioner at Power buy try looking for the models with inverters and if you have any queries please feel free to ask anyone of our trained staff, who are only too pleased to helpfully and honestly assist you in choosing the best inverter air conditioner for your needs. Buy with peace of mind, free delivery and free installation by skilled technicians when you buy from Power buy. For more information please visit www.Powerbuy.co.th/en/fullinstallationand if it is more convenient for you to shop online from home then please go to www.Powerbuy.co.th/en